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Upgrading to WebsydianExpress v1.2 - Windows/iSeries


This document describes how to upgrade to WebsydianExpress v1.2 from a previous version of WebsydianExpress (1.0/1.1) on the Windows/iSeries platform.

Please refer to WebsydianExpress 1.2 - What Is New? for information about new features and changes in WebsydianExpress v1.2.

For information on how to upgrade the Plex/Websydian development environment please read Upgrade Plex Development Environment to WebsydianExpress v1.2.

WebsydianExpress v1.2 is backward compatible with business processes developed with WebsydianExpress 1.0/1.1.

All objects in the PlaceObjectsHere folder can be left untouched and will not be affected by the upgrade process.

Stop WebsydianExpress

By default WebsydianExpress is installed in "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows and iSeries". In the rest of this document this folder will be named the WebsydianExpress folder. If you have installed WebsydianExpress in another folder then replace all references to the WebsydianExpress folder with your local installation folder.

When a relative path name is used (e.g. Application Services\Html) it should be resolved relatively to the WebsydianExpress folder so the full path would be "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows\Application Services\Html".

The first step is to stop WebsydianExpress:

Stop WebsydianExpress using the StopWebsydianExpress command found in the WebsydianExpress folder.

On the web server stop the WebsydianExpress application. If you useApache Tomcat this can be done from the Tomcat Web Application Manager.

Backup existing WebsydianExpress

It is important that you backup your WebsydianExpress installation before you start the upgrade process in case something should go wrong.

Disclaimer: Websydian A/S cannot in any way be held responsible for failures or errors caused by the upgrade process.


Backup the following:

WebsydianExpress folder
The default installation folder for WebsydianExpress v1.1 is "C:\Program Files\Websydian\WebsydianExpress v1.1 for Windows and iSeries".
WebsydianExpress database and iSeries objects
On the iSeries backup the following libraries
- WebsydianExpress database library, by default installation named WXPxxWDB
- WebsydianExpress program library, by default installation named WXPxxWPGM
Web Server Component
Backup the Web Server Component on the web server. The default name of the web server component is express.war.

Upgrade Windows objects

Complete the following steps to upgrade Windows objects:

Unpack the upgrade package (WXPW12UPG.ZIP) to the WebsydianExpress folder overwriting all existing objects.

Run the update.cmd command found in the WebsydianExpress folder.

Manually change the configuration files

A number of changes to the configuration files of WebsydianExpress has to be manually changed, please perform the following steps:

Open the Settings.cmd located in the folder "Application Service" using notepad and change the following settings as specified below:


SET JAVA_HOME=..\Common\jre1.5.0_08

SET JARS_DIR=..\Common\jars


Open the WebsydianServer.prop located in the folder "Websydian Server" using notepad and change the following settings as specified below:




Open the Express.ini located in the folder "Application Service" using notepad and change the following settings as specified below:


[Message Box]
Log File=..\logs\applicationservices.log

Upgrade iSeries objects

Transfer the save file WXPW12UPG, found in the folder named 'iSeries' in the WebsydianExpress folder, and restore the library WXPW12UPG on your iSeries.


Add the library WXPW12UPG to your library list

 ===> addlible WXPW12UPG


Execute the command WXPWUPG located in the library WXPW12UPG, make sure to prompt the command using F4.

*ALLOBJ authority is required to run the WXPWUPG command

                       Upgrade WebsydianExpress (WXPWUPG)                       
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Program library  . . . . . . . .   WXP11WPGM     Library Name                  
 Database library . . . . . . . .   WXP11WDB      Library Name                  
 PTF library  . . . . . . . . . .   WXP11WPTF     Library Name                  
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  


Specify the program library of your WebsydianExpress installation.

Specify the database library of your WebsydianExpress installation.

Specify the PTF library of your WebsydianExpress installation.


Use the DSPJOBLOG command to verify the upgrade was successful. Message "UPGRADE SUCCESSFULL" has been written to the joblog.

Clean up WebsydianExpress PTF library

Remove any Websydian supplied objects found in the WebsydianExpress PTF library. Default for WebsydianExpress v1.1 this is named WXP11WPTF.

Repack and deploy the Websydian Web Server Component (Relay Service)

Set new reference to custom error page

Open the RelayService.prop file located in the folder "Relay Service" using notepad and add the following setting:



Repack and redeploy the Websydian Web Server Component (Relay Service)

For upgrading the Servlet Web Server Component you have the following options:

Using the pack.exe for repackaging the express.war file:

Execute the Pack.exe located in the folder "Relay Service".

Press the next buttons to accept the settings used during installation.

Please note that the settings being used by the packaging tool is the once selected at the initial installation of WebsydianExpress.

Redeploy the Express.war file located in the folder "Relay Service" to your servlet engine.

Note that the packaging tool (pack.exe) will prompt you to deploy the Websydian Web Server Component on the local computer if a Tomcat Servlet Engine is installed.

Manually upgrade the express.war file:

If you are familiar with war files and understand the structure you can perform the upgrade of the Servlet Web Server Component by copying the content of the folder "Manual Upgrade" located in the upgrade package under the "Relay Service" folder to your express.war file.

Remember to remove the file WSYDDWA20.jar file from the folder "WEB-INF\lib" in your express.war file.

Send your express.war file to support@websydianexpress.com for upgrade:

We can perform the upgrade of your express.war file for you if you do not feel like you are up for the challenge, just send the following information to support@websydianexpress.com:

  1. Your existing express.war file
  2. Your existing relayservice.prop file